Monday, June 30, 2008
rescue, and where are the pictures?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Im HOME!!!

The Cruise was a Blast!

The Beaches were Fantastic!
Peace out my loves!!
Monday, June 23, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008
GIVEAWAY! Bon Voyage!

"Scrappy Jessi" will be on
Vacation till June 23rd!
I will take tons of pictures!
Share what im sure will be another crazy adventure.
it always is!

Look out Mexico, here i come!!!

Drinks in Hand!!!
A few things to Share!
New atc's from Cindy
"Cindy is crafty!"

How dang cute are these?
I love them!!!!!
Thanks doll!!!
Paint Mine Pink!!!!
i ordered the sweetest vintage floral tin planters.

Shannon even threw in some Aussie treats!!!
Thanks sweetie!!
SHANNON is the hostess of the
Here are some things i sent her

How cute is her son? he "stole" the scrappy jessi pin!
i will send ya another one Shannon!
ALISON GIBBS is my partner.
here are some of the things i sent her.

I hope you love everything!!!! You were so fun to create and shop for!!!

How funny is this, these are our 3 sons!!!
My own paper doll!
Ya, there were 4, by the time i unpacked the box, there were only 3 left. YUMMY!
This was such a fun swap!!! Thanks Ladies for making it so great!!!
JAIME aka "Rockstar"
I got my bracelet and suprise earings yeah!!
They are totally fab!!!
She even gave me a vintage shoe clip!!!
You are so so fabulous!!!
I am so excited for our trip!
Our cruise departs on sunday.
Not only a trip, it's Fathers day, our 17 year Anniversary. and my neice Lily's 3rd b day
There will be lots of celebrating going on!
June 19th
1 year of blogging!!!!
I have enjoyed this world so much! I have met so many wonderful girls. You all inspire me everyday. We would do anything for each other. Most of us haven't even met in person.I have had the awesome gift of meeting lots of you in person! Never dissapointed. You all ROCK!!! I LOVE that we all "GET" each other. I hope to meet all of you!!!
Please leave a comment on "THIS POST!!!!!!"
to be entered in the giveaway. i will pick the winner on Monday June 23rd!
Coach Perfume.
this is one of my summer favs!
I wish you all luck!!!
See y'all when i get back!!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Dresses, Barbies, stuff, and a Sneak Peak GIVEAWAY!!!!!
so many of you have asked to see my dresses etc..

SHOES for dress 1
Jewels for dress 1
Bracelet & Earings on there way. from JAIME
can't wait!
Dress 2
Shoes dress 2

They are a little hard to see, here are the coral ones. mine are black!

Jewels for Dress 2

This necklace, not sure on the earings yet?
so there you have it!!
My 2 formal nights!
You know i will take tons of pictures!
Looky what my daughter bought me!!!
How stinkin cute is this???
It holds business cards, or credit cards. it's a replica of one of those old cigarette cases.
Love it!!!
Speaking of Barbie.
heres my new Tank i ordered. i don't think it will be here in time for vaca.

Dale is a Rockstar!!!

Here are the tickets i ordered!
upcoming project.
what this cutie made me!!!
and a TAG for my Tag gate!!!
Thanks girly girl!

"Etsy will open in a few weeks."
Working on lots of things for you girls!!
Stay Tuned!
On Wedensday i will share my
Alison Gibbs was my partner!!!
Heres a sneak peak:

This is Sam, Shannons son! He took the "scrappy jessi" button.
Girls, on June 19th marks my 1 year blog~Aversary.
See ya all Wedensday!