in about 5th or 6th grade, she wanted it to be tropical safari themed.
green walls, tan ceiling,dark and jungely!!
painted ceiling white. nice and bright.
Bathroom painted aqua.
it was yellow with fairies.
Painted room bubblegum pink
Now to re-arrage, re-do and decorate.
I'll be back with the "AFTER" pictures.
Should be pretty dang cute!
A few "Rockstar" blogger girls sent me some suprise packages. "just because."
How stinken cool is this?? Heather was out garage saleing, came across these, and picked them up for me. THANKS!!!! Your such a doll.
sent me a total out of the blue box.
These cuties are so awesome!!!
Thanks girls!!!
Found a new store!!!
ok to me.
so fun, she has really cute stuff.
Cheer 'em up!!
a friend of mine is doing a little somethin, somethin. One of our friends is not feeling well. so she is putting together a little 5x5 albumn,
Here is my page!
can't wait to see the finished book.
Get well my friend!!

Were in!!!
My friend Tiffany and i go to "Scrapfest" at the Mall of America every year!!
we got into 2 crop around towns.
we also signed up for 3 classes:
1. "Christmas round album" from little yellow bicycle.