Friday, July 31, 2009
New Jessi Stuff is coming!!

(my supermodel is Maija Lepore)
"Rosary Prayer Bottles"

I have 4 almost ready to photograph.
1 more in the making.
All Of the items will be up soon.
Keep checking.
Please remember all of my items are One of a kind. Made from vintage bits and bobbles. Fabulous old seam binding and millnery flowers.
and all are made with LOVE!!!
Have a FANTASTIC day Girls!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
New Treats!!!
Happy Hump Day Ladies!!

Paris Rags
It is so yummy and delish in person.
I LOVE it!!!
love the neutral colors.
Ok could you just die?
I love everything i found.
There all listed in my shop!
I'm keeping these treats.
I have already made 2 headbands from these hats.
The bottles are going to be turned into
"Rosary Bottles"
so keep your eys peeled fo the next post.
Headbands Galore.
i've been a busy little bee.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Last day in LA
Hope everyone is having a Fabulous week!!!
So.... The last day in LA I went downtown to the "Garment District"
So many awesome stores full of vintage trims, beads, seam binding, and Millinery!
I went crazy!!!
We went to "Bohemian Bead"
Ummm Hello!!!! Look at all the gorgeous beads and crystals etc...I even got swaraski crystals by the foot!
I bought a ton of stuff to make some altered rosary bottles. Like the one i made for Jenny in our swap.

So keep your eyes open they will be appearing in my shop soon!!!
Next stop was a Vintage Millinery Shop!

Again I went bonkers!
I bought a ton of GORGEOUS millinery flowers and several yummy colors of seam binding!
Girls "NEW" Headbands are being made as we speak.
EEEKKK!!! i want to keep all of them!
Then i saw my future right before my eyes.
tee hee
Just Imagine... This could be MY warehouse stocked full of vintage treats and treasures!!!
OK it's just a thought?
Next we went to lunch at this darling restaurant
Again, Hello? could we have picked a more perfect place to have lunch? i think not. It was delish!
Then the day had to come to an end, off to the airport i must go!
But... I will be back in September!

Can't wait to play again!

See Y'all real soon!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

These events are simply over the top AMAZING!!!
I always feel like a spoiled princess!
This one will have a vendor night, a FULL day of classes with 3 incredible teachers.
These woman are so talented.
All the food and treats and beverages you desire!
On Sunday, a day at the Flea market and a special reception at one of the local antique stores!!!
Can it get any better??
I think not!!!
You have to go and check out all the festivities!!!There are still a few openings for the event.
I would LOVE to see and meet some of you there.You will not be disappointed!!!!
Let me know if you have any questions!!!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Big Bear Cont....
Loads of gifts
Sweet apron Jamie had Holly make.
These 2 are from me!
Bag from Gina
Shadowbox from Christine.
Tons of sweet treats!!!
The classes & teachers
Holly's Class
A sweet Banner
EEEKKKK these are name tags!!!
My banner not yet completed
These are 2 of Hollys banners.
Christine's Class
"Woodland fairy hideaway"

Holly & Christine
Kim's Class
a gorgeous wall hanging
Mine is a work in progress.
i will post it when im done. it's in the mail coming home to me.
These were really fun, everyones turned out Gorgeous
~The food~
we all paired up in 2's and we each made one meal over the weekend.
My partner was Jenny.
We did lunch on Saturday.
2 salads, some crusty bread, and chocolate chip cookies!

Later that night, after our Pizza Party at the scrapbook store, we came home to a
Ice Cream Sundae Bar!
Thanks Girls for making my weekend magical!
I MISS all of you allready!
Thanks Kim for the incredible weekend!!
Your the Best!