The Ornament Exchange!
There were 12 of us total
that exchanged ornaments!
that exchanged ornaments!

1.Amanda Willey
(group leader)

2.Jennifer Hayslip
sweet eye candy creations.

3.Camp Susie!

4.Carol Ryan!

5.Jennifer Stewart!

6.Valita Baxley!

7.Natalie Hansen!

8.Julie Baxley!

9.Rebecca Grawyl!

10. Kara Ward!

11. Kim Caldwell!

All of them wrapped up
so cute! Thanks Bella's!
Here are some gifts
from my sweet bloggy friends!
so sweet!

From: Kari Ramstrom
(artsy mama!)

Majia Lepore!

Heather Rowely
speckeled egg!

Tammy Gilley

Super sweet KIMLA!

Lilli Beck!

Karla's cottage!
I won her blog giveaway!

The Super fabulous
Yahoo Goddess!
Heather Ales!
That's all for today my
lovelies! Tune in later this
week! Class kits, vendor night
purchases. antique/old market finds!
So many gorgeous gifts. So many talented Bellas. Look forward to your next Silver Bella post.
oh look at all the yumminess!
Thanks so much Jessi for your well wishes for Rori , they mean alot!
Jessi, you are going to have the best dressed tree EVER!!! all of the ornaments are amazing and beautiful!!!
hey girl !!! i am so glad we got to meet at the bella - i am so sad i missed out on the wonderful bella ornament swap - WOW you got some awesome ornaments !! What a time to remember !!!! next year we are going to hang out more !!!thanks for your wonderful comments on my blog !!! take care and i will talk to ya soon,
I was lucky enough to get to trade on the side with a few people and got a couple of those ornaments too.
I am so impressed with the quality of the swaps I saw. Man, there were beauties everywhere that night!
Wow! You have been a busy girl...I was just at your Flickr site and I can't believe all the work you've done for the Deck the Halls swap...I wish I could've been in the ornie snagged some lovely ones!
Hi Jessi,
I couldn't have picked a sweeter person for one of my little vintage camera vignette's to go to!
Thank you so much!
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