Todays post will be
ornie sneak peak table!

gypsy/vendor night
Let's start the parade!

3 little bellas all in a row!

Me & Tiffany

Look all smiles!!!

Living doll!
Jennifer Hayslip

Miss McFoof herself!
me & Teresa McFayden

The ever so funny!
Dede Warren & Me!
you crack me up girl!!!

Darling Jenny Heid & Me!
of famous "everyday is a holiday!!!"

Me & Jennifer Hayslip!
my "little sister"
if i was only so lucky!
love ya sister!

Me & The fabulous
Miss Heather Ales!!!

How cute is miss Jana????
Super cute!!!

Karla Nathan of "karla's cottage!"
dudes she's a grandma!!!!
ever so fabulous!

Me, Karla, Natalie and Jennifer!

Amy Power's
sugarville booth rocked!!!!!

Charolette Lyons Booth
one of my teachers!

Heather Bullard's booth

Heather Rowley
"speckeled egg"
Fabulous booth!
carol Spinski
i spent allot of time
and money at this booth!

Miss Cari Kraft herself!!!

Beth Quinn!
So cute!!!
wait till you see the
cute soldered charms
i bought here!

Tammy Gilley!
so fun!!!
she gave me a little
gift i will show tomorrow!

The ever so adorable
Teresa mcFayden!!!!
our Mama Bella!

This was the first table i went
to! Love , love her!!!
"The polka dot parlor!"
Candice Carpenter
Show ya all my goodies
I will leave you my pretties!
with a slight tease!
I was in the first ornament
exchange! Heres our table!
I will show you all my
ornaments tomorrow!
Plus class projects
Vendor night Purchases!
antique store/old market
Because of your great pics I feel like I was there! THANK-YOU!
p.s. I know I would have loved all of Raised in Cotton's stuff too :)
So many lovely things and such fun you girls had.
Thanks for sharing the event with us.
Jessi- I have to go next year it looks like a a blast!!
Jessi- OMG!!!! You had a lovely time I know! Did your face hurt from smiling??? You know when you are so happy that you can't stop smiling????? I am so happy for you! That must have been like a dream come true! I hope I can go someday...
You are one of the nicest women I've ever met. Just reading your blog over the last 6 months or so...I thought you were probably pretty ditzy. ARE NOT ditzy. You are genuinely so sweet and nice to everyone. Remember when I told you my age at dinner? You said "you are beautiful" and I said "you are sweet". hahaha Thank you for the glitter packets... another example of how generous and loving you are. It is so amazing to meet people in real life after reading their blogs!! You really are a joy!
Oh how fun! Looking forward to tomorrows pictures!
SO fun to look at all of your great pics and re-live our fun weekend all over again!!!
Thanks for posting the pictures. It looks like you had an awesome time!
I'm so glad you took photos of the booths! I was too shy :)
So fun to relive the great weekend with your photos, you cute thing! Keep 'em coming!
*****love all your pics!!!!******
Like Bristol said, I will have to go next year!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much Jessi for posting so many fab pics! I am reliving SB through your eyes. Thanks also for all the glittery "K's" -- you are the most generous Bella of them all!
Hugs, Kim
Great pics!!
I am hoping to go next year--but i won't hold my breath (might pass out).
Come visit me sometime!!
~Sadie Lou
oh my!!! those booths!!! well, i am just drooling over many wonderful goodies!!! WOW!!!
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