
Please Email me if you want to join the party.
May 1st post your toys on your own blog!
Happy Hump Day!!
Been busy making tags,
and atc's for personal swaps.

New atc's !

If anyone wants to swap just give me a holla!

I made a few tags for AAA. I leave to LA next Friday! Im so excited! we are going to have so much fun! I will take tons of pictures!
Have a great day!
Jessi! Those little girl tags are adorable! I'd love to swap tags with you! I wish I had a toy pic or an old toy to share but I don't. That sure does sound fun though!
Great tags! I'm emailing you now....
Audrey & Barbie... such perfect ladies!!!
Great work as always!
Can't wait for 1st May!!!
Victoria x
I stumbled across your blog today. Well, stumbled is kind of a harsh word, I think. How about, it was a serendipitous meeting!
Anywhichway, what really needs to be said is that the ATC is lovely dahling...as Audrey would say ;) And the tags are cute to boot!
Both your Tags and ATC's are wonderful. I love all your little details and layers! Are you addicted to them yet?
wow love the tags, gorgeous blog :)
adorable tags!! so cute sweetie!! have tons of fun in LA!! xo Britt
LOVE the tags!!! i can't find any of the pics i thought i had so that i could play toys with you:( BUMMER!!!
have LOADS of fun in LA, i know you will because you bring the fun WITH you!!!
I just love the tags! And oh my gosh, I am going to get one of those ctown tees for sure! That is awesome!
I wish I could join your toy party but I dont have any of my old toys or pictures of me with them :( I bet it will be a lot of fun though!
I remember all those toys! How fun! I remember that doll that you could tie her shoes and zip her pants, etc. I never had one, but always wanted one! Brings back great memories!
Hugs, Sharon
Love all of your tags, they look like so much fun to make, I'm going to have to try some.
P.S. - I have tagged you, head over to my blog to find out more :o)
What a fun idea. Love it.
Love your tags- they all made me smile!
You lucky dog, - have fun on your trip!
Hey big sis! LOOOOVE the Barbie tags! They are all so fun and whimsy!
Im searching like crazzy for old pics of me and my toys! You will *DIE* laughing when I show some of the ones I've found. Very 70's! LOL!!!
Have a great trip to LA!!!!
Beautiful tags as always....Have a super fun Thursday...
Jessi girl you are the tag making QUEEN. I love them... so fun and bright. Love the high maintainance ones so much :)
Shann :)
I'm hoping I can get photos done. How funny.... we will all be able to tell everyones age with this one! Love the tags. As soon as I get caught up I'm coming by for a swap...OK?
Tell me what an Artistic Affair is...
Hi Jessi,
Great tags!,have a fun in LA.
Love the tags, too cute!! Have a blast in LA:)
Jessi, Your tags/ATCs are fabulous! Come on over to my blog for a sneeak peek on your Ephemera Swap goodies!:) Sandyxoxo
Have a great trip--
Cute, cute, cute tags! Love the giant one.
Oh. My. Goodness. Jessi! I just received your amazing box of presents. I am so so touched, girl! You are killing me with kindness. Thank you so much sweetie! Everything is so dang cute and girly..love it all. You put a big smile on my face.
I'm looking forward to toy day. I've been collecting great pictures to show. Goggle is my friend. :)
Have fun in LA
Wow you have been a busy girl.
Lots of lovely tags
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