Here she is! the cutest thing ever!! we finally got to meet after years of blogging!! She's so Fabulous!! Just love ya girl!
Not a very good picture. But you girls get the gist of it.

Mels Fav colors are Aqua & Red!

I didn't know this. I made her a giant bright, spazzy sock monkey tag! (so Jessi)
SO, i felt i needed to send some Aqua & Red LOVE!!!
Glad you likey Mel.
These cuties are hosting the
"Birds & Bonnets" vintage workshop.
We got to download some pictures of vintage wallpaper, birds, and ladies with beautiful bonnets.
The idea was to make 4 bird pannels, and 4 bonnet panels.
Here are my panels.


They have tons of German glass glitter.
Lots of beads, glitters, and sparkle.
Lots of big rhinestones!
Can't wait to see what and whose i get back in the mail!!
I sent our lovley hostesses a little gift.
Victorian Bonnet jewelry stands!
Thanks Girls!!
Well folks that's all for today!!
Cross your fingers for Friday's Post.
Have a Happy Hump Day!!!
Anxious to see what all is in THE BOX!!! I know you had a wonderful time. Saw pics on Kelly's and Maija's blog this morning. What fun!!!!!!
I love that photo of you and Holly!! I can't believe I didn't get a photo of you and I!!
You and Holly are lovely!! Glad you got to have some fun!!
What a super present for Mel, I'm sure it made her day, and she is such a sweetie. Your bonnets and birds are fab, but I am SWOONING over the hostess gifts that you made, just wonderful!!
Hi there Scrappy Jessie
So glad you are in my I Live In My Own Little World Challenge. Woohooo!
Looking forward to seeing "your space".
Ok Jessi, I have to tell you a funny story...Your "Have a Happy Hump day" triggered a childhood memory...when I was a wee little one (old enough to be curious about s-e-x) my parents used to call s-e-x "humping". Every morning my mother listened to the radio and her usual morning show, and every Wednesday they would make a reference to "hump-day", so putting all this together in my adolescent mind I, of course thought this was the day everyone had sex...and now as an adult I have to chuckle at the reference to "hump-day" every thanx for the laugh and for the super-de-duper fun blog...I do so enjoy your posts!
Thank You ..gorgeous..Holly is darling!
Jessi - where DO you find the time?!? you scored a wonderful somethin somethin for Holly ... and what a tremendous blue treat box ... and that spazzy sock monkey tag is priceless! ... and your panels for the Birds & Bonnets swap are super fabulous! Makes me want to revisit mine and add a touch of sparkle. :)
thanks for the grins,
Jessi can't wait to see what is in 'THE BOX'!!!!!
Love the gift for Holly.
Great gift for Mel too.
Karla and Beth - don't know where they find the time to do all these things. Your panels look great
Oh, the pic of Holly and you is so cute!!!! I hope The Box arrived today!!! All the aqua and red you sent to Mel is wonderful, and I'm sure that made her day! You're SO sweet!!!
Gorgeous panels! You are such a sweetie to send Mel all of those goodies. She will love em!
Hi Jessi,
I just love reading your happy, sparkly blog. Looks like you had a wonderful Mothers Day, I love the pictures and captions that you posted they made me laugh. Your panels look wonderful. Hope you have a sparkly, glittery day. (I'm sure that you always do).
Cheers Linda
WOW so much to comment on. Dont know where to start so I'll just say I loved the red and aqua pkg you sent your friend. Those two colos are awesome together. You are very creative. I'm so jealous.
Love the picture of you two ladies, and what a great grouping of goodies for Mell that will cheer any gal up (:
Hugs, Diane
You're so funny - happy hump day, LOL!!!
Love the gift suprise for Mel, how cool you chose her fave colours and didn't even know it!
Karla and Beth will love the hat stands and your panels are so sweet!
You and Holly look just gorgeous!!
oh my ~ i think you're the busiest gal in blogland!
heaven on earth for sure! so many treasures and so little time to find them all! a fun time!
xo heidi
Mel is going to love the goodies you sent to her, everything is SO her!!!
your birds and bonnets panels are gorgeous, love the heaps of glitter you used!!!
let me know where you got the hat stand? i need a pretty place to perch my derby hat beauty from Heather:)
Hi Jessi, I'm so looking forward to seeing what's in the box.
I love the aqua and red treasures you sent to Mel and the sock monkey tag is amazing.
I love you tags for the swap.
lovin the bling! I love your has so much energy...just like you!
Wow -- love the panels! This is a fun swap! Can't wait to see whose end up in my box!
And the surprise package is pretty and fun! Love the colors!
yes, wish i had taken more pics! guess i was just caught up in the moment! did you see my hunter? a little scruffier and older than yours, but sweet! xo heidi
Ooh, I love the bird panels! Something can never have too much glitter!
I love your panals!!!
I was so sad that I missed out on that swap!
what a lovely post. so many sweet things going on. i hope you get to post for friday and your box comes in. i love love love the spazzy sock monkeys! how funny! you are involved in so many fun things in blogging! however do you find the time? :)
So Sweet of you to send a box of Goodies, that will sure cheer her up and help for a speedy recovery. I saw your hostess gifts on Flickr and they are beautiful...Jamie Cant wait to see what is in the box!
What a sweet gift box you sent to your friend. I know that will help her feel better real soon...Mary
Mel's pressie is great,you are so kind:) Love your panels, such a fun swap:) Rachael
You have got to be one of the sweetest women around!
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