
So this is the view out my window Wedensday! Totally excited!! Here him pull up. park. shuffle around for 10 minutes. Then Drive off! HOW RUDE!!! R U KIDDING?? Like i said when i started this blog, my life is one big Candid Camera or punked episode.
a few hours pass bye. Then a UPS car? Pulls in my driveway and delivers "The Box" YEAH!!

Here she is!!
I have to show 2 other things first!
Dream Keyper:I won there blog giveaway!!

so so cute! It's a ring with solid perfume inside!Love it!!! Thanks girls!!
After my upset with the UPS situation
i needed some "junkin therapy!"
There is a great store, just a few miles from my casa.

needless to say this made up for my "upset"
Part 1

After a very LONG day of flying, 3 hour delays, 2 bumped flights. I arrived in Sunny California!!


Friday night we had a welcome party!!!
A Moroccan/Indie soiree!
Think Bright colors, Henna Tatoos, Yummy Indian food,Class project. Beautiful store full of wonderful goodies!
Mango shots! (much needed!)

Mary(owner) & Lillia's daughter.

My Smokin Hot Roomie Maija!!

Holly & Me
Gorgeous Girls Amy, Kim & Mary

Joy & Kelly!!!
These girls are such a blast!!
They drove Maija and Me around all weekend.
Thanks Dolls!!!
Then, if that wasn't enough A suprise Belly Dancer!

So Fun!!!
Mary really knows how to throw a rockin party!
The Super cute Hostess with the mostess
Totally shocked me with a special gift.
(that hardly ever happens)
This, by far was the best part of the whole weekend!!!
These are actual doll size paterns. so awesome.
Kim, you are such a great friend! I just adore you! Thanks a million times over!! Words really can't even express how gratefull i am. Not only for my Barbie, but for knowing you and being able to share this whole weekend with you!
You are a ROCKSTAR!!!
Now was that worth the wait or what?
On Monday i will post
The Big day!
Saturdays classes, teachers, shopping, new friends, high tea, games, prizes, and tons of laughter.
I sat at the naughty loud table.
tee hee.
See Ya Monday!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
OMG it looked like soo much fun and what a great Barbie gift she gave you!How funny that you actually took a picture of the UPS truck! Have a fabulous weekend gorgeous!
Hello Jessi,
I met you at Artistic Affaire. That darling little lamb you found at the antique store is the same one I have still have that was given to me as a baby gift when I was born. I don't know why the necessity of telling you that, but I just did. Hope to see you at the October Affaire Deax. Karen
Hey Cool, Jessi! Thanks for sharing all the goodness. I love the colors and design from India, and that class looks Fab!
Have a great weekend :)
Good lord! That is too much fun for one person! What a cool trip and place. Good for you!
Jessi!!!!!!! Kim gave you MY Barbie!!!!!!!!! How cool!!!!!!! It's the Barbie I blogged about for your Toy Party! That is awesome! Your whole weekend sound so FUN! I love all your pictures!!!
Have a great weekend!
Everyday Cookies
Hi Jessi,
Sounds like that trip to LA to attend Artistic Affaire was right up your alley! You certainly look like you had lots of fun...I'll be looking forward to the rest of your adventure!!
Have a great weekend.
Your joy has completely infused me - I'm giggling with glee for you (and the other gals that has such a FUNtastic adventure)! Looks like a BLAST!
Rock on sistah-godess-girl!
That Barbie is fabulous... I'm not surprised you were speechless!!!
Looks like you gals had a blast!
Victoria xx
You were the best roomie! I think I fell asleep talking each night!
You are so very dear to me!
What fantastic pictures, and WOW it looks like you had the most wonderful time!!!!!!!
By the way, you won my giveaway!! Please email me your snail mail addy
The Pictures really show how much fun you had! Love the Barbie Case and the Barbie! Isn't it funny the things that get us so Excited? Have a great weekend, Can't wait to see what else you have to share. Jamie
Hey !! What was in the box ??? lol You left me hanging !!! lol I like the perfume ring, reminds me of the old Avon pins with the perfume inside. :) Great junk store finds. :) The little pink porcelain girlie is precious !! What a FUN trip you had !!! Love your new Barbie and Case. :) Score !! :)
what fun!!! you are soooo cooool!!~
Jessi you are such a doll. Really, I am the lucky one that we have become friends -- you are a SUPER ROCKSTAR!! Can't wait to play soon -- maybe a little lunch at the port in June?
Wow!!!!What a wonderful time was had by all. Thanks for sharing this adventure with us. I love that Barbie and those patterns ...what a very thoughtful gift indeed!!
hi jessi ~ a blast for sure! i want to move to sunny so~cal too, someday! so what was in the box!? xo heidi
Oh Jessi,
Your so funny and fun! Your remind me of me! I always got in trouble for sitting at the loud table, talking in church and passing the notes! What a fabulous weekend your gonna have...
The belly dancer was such a neat addition to the whole party, did you learn any moves to take home with you? ;)
Can't wait to see the rest of the trip!!!
Donna Lynn
Oh Jessi you just crack me up- so WHERE do you think that package was for 2 whole weeks?
Love the look on your face when you got the Barbie case- I remember that case- my best "Barbie" friend had one- and my Mom sewed Barbie clothes for me from one of those patterns.
Wow what a great time!
Looks like you girls had a blast. I love your expression when you were opening up the Barbie cute. Also...your dress and tattoo are killer cool. have a great weekend, kimla
Wow! What a fabulous party!!! And I love all the pictures; everyone looks so cute and happy. :)
I especially liked your shocked picture. :) hehe
You are so goofy! The naughty loud table! I love that!
Have a fun weekend, you lucky girl with a new Barbie. You would just die to get into my mother's and my collection, I wish I could show you sometime!
hee heee... Hello, fellow naughty girl! It was SO fun hanging with you at Artistic Affair. I hope we can do it again soon. Hey, I read on Cheryl's blog that you only got 9 of the 2x2 squares. Can you email me and let me know which one you are missing? I want to be sure that you get all of you goodies!!
aaaaaaahhh...what a fabulous day!! you are Gorgeous girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
great photos. wish I could have been there..all the fun stuff happens on the west!!
So glad to read that you had such a blast in Cali at sweet peas Jessi, but I haven't a clue what the story about the big box is all about??
Carol xox
What a FABULOUS post
Looks like a great time was had by all!!
Cant wait to see more!
Jessi! Sure looks like you had a rockin' GRAND time! Fab post, thanks so much for sharing!!
What a great time...great gals, great food, and a great gift!!
Have a fabulous weekend!
kari & kijsa
Hey cute girl! Wow! Looks like was a BLAST! And I would expect you to be anywhere but at the naughty, loud table (would be where I would want to be!). And what a lovely gift and a sweet friend, you are blessed indeed! Great post.
Oh wow I love your Barbie case! What a wonderful gift! I loved seeing the photos of how excited you were! Cause I now how exciting it is to get something vintage Barbie!
It look as though you had such a great time, wish I could have been there too! The Barbie gift IS special and I love her red cape. Your posts are always so fun and energetic! Did you spend today outdoors? I did and I am plum tuckered out...XOX
Jessi, Wow!! you had way too much fun. Wonderful Barbie gift. Loved your look of surprize! I would be speechless too. Can't wait to see the rest of the details. Thank you for visiting me too and the email. I so appreciate that!!
hugs, Celestina,
la rea rose
That looks like too much fun! And the shop was decorated beautiful. What other art projects did you do besides tatooing one another?
I can't believe how long it's been since I've visited here.....many postes I hadn't seen yet. You've been busy!
Owww girl, you made me smile again!!! What a fabulous post! I love all your new findings (I can't find such cute things here in Holland), and your weekend sounds absoluty lovely. And that Barbie.... she's gorgeous!!!
Oooh look at you cuties there with your henna tattoos! What fun and I love the pics of you all happy and surprised to get the great barbie goodness! xo
Such fun. I love socal too. Such awesome people. What a fun party/class. Love your little UPS story. I hate it when they leave too. I am glad I met someone that love the Twilight books/movie as much as I do. I am totally in love with Edward!! Can't wait to see it this fall/winter.
Jessi, I don't know where to start. All the fun you girls had. And, your new/old Barbie with patterns for dresses. Wow!!!
I look forward to Mondays post to see more of this fun weekend.
Hugs Karen
Jessi!!!! What an amazing experience!! Looks like you had the best fun EVER! And the Barbie WITH patterns ~ what a precious sweet! Thank you so much dear Jessi for visiting my blog and for your vote on my cover ~ the Land of Blog is a magical place filled with the best of friends!! xxoo, Dawn
Now you girls know how to have a good time!! Your dimples are just adorable!! :)
Jessi, you are SO fun and cute that you always make me smile:) you girls looks like you had SO much fun!!! i have been wishing i lived in CA too...all the good stuff happens there...LOVE your new Barbie and the expression on your face when you opened up your gift is priceless!!!
Looks like the best time ever!!!!
Wow what fun you had. You lead such a fun and interesting life I always set on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what fun thing you did next. I love reading and visiting your blog because you have such positive energy and are just so much fun....Hugs ...Mary
What a fab time you must have had! Thank you so much for sharing with us Jessi! I loved this post!
Oh Boy!!!!
What a GREAT SOIREE!! Thank you for taking the photos and sharing your colorful FUN!!!! Yea to FUN especially with girlfriends!
Your Barbie case gift, and Barbie!
Woah!! what a gift!
Happy for you!
You are awesome!! LOL, love the UPS truck story!!! Looks like you had soooo much fun. What a beautiful party setting. Thanks for sharing your trip.
Woo hoo! Looks like you won a million bucks-but Barbie (the case too)is awesome and so are the patterns-lucky, lucky you!
All are great photos!!!
The Artistic Affaire event looks like it was a blast. What a fun time you all must have had. I can't believe Kim had all these ladies in her house for the classes. She must have a HUGE place cause it looks like there were a lot of you. Oh and that surprise gift from Kim...totally awesome! Speaking of Barbie, did you see the article in the June issue of Country Living Magazine (page 65) brought back so many fond memories.
FABULOUS post!!! LOVED it ALL! Barbie takes the cakes though. Glad you had an awesome time. Thanks for sharing! Happy Day!
Oh I can't believe you were at "the naughty loud table"!!! Now I'm really envious that I wasn't there -- that would have been MY table too!!!
You so lucked out -- Kim was very generous with the gift and when I saw that Barbie case my mouth dropped open -- I had one like that!!!
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