Thanks for stopping by for my Holiday Home tour!
Thanks for stopping by for my Holiday Home tour!
So get comfy...

Grab a drink...
Grab a bite to eat...
And let's get this party started!
(if you look close you can see skylar)
~The Basement~
(oops i forgot to add the basement)
Northern Lodge
The Primitive Christmas
Red & White
Candy Cane
North Pole
Sweet & Sugary Vintage
Ok Kids, it's time for me to go to bed.
Tomorrow i head to Indiana for my next adventure!!
See y'all next week.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Now that's what I call off the hook, ROCK STAR decorating!!! But then again, I wouldn't expect anything less. FABULOUS Miss Jessi!
Merry Merry Christmas!
Freakin' out! Jessi! You are one crazy Christmas decorator. I thought I was the only silly girl with five trees up (and one more on the way)... but you take the cake, Marie Antoinette style! Lurrve it all!
good golly!!! it all looks wonderful and festive:) you really go all out Miss Jessi!!! i have never ever seen so much holiday trimming in my life...
wow wee!! Jessi.. you have a lovely home and so filled to the brim with wonderful christmas stuff. very nice!
WOW! My head is still swirling,girl! You are the queen of Christmas decorating, I crown thee. I love the star book on your coffee table and the tag tree.
Jessi, I love your home. It is so beautiful!! Thanks for joining in. Have fun. Can't wait to meet you in real life.
I've been lurking for a while, but I had to tell you that this is the most beautifully decorated home I've ever seen! It must be amazing in person!!
Happy belated birthday! :)
My gosh girl you must be exhausted!
Your trees are stunning. I hope you have an open house in your area so everyone can enjoy your awesomness. When did you start?
Your Christmas decorating is better than most shoppes...no make that all shoppes. I do believe you get to wear the crown and carry the queens candy cane in the parade of Christmas homes.
WOW! Your home maybe the most wonderful Christmas display I have ever seen!
OH MY GOSH! You should be in country living or rh ~ Your decorating is fabulous Jessi!!! Can you come over to my house??!! xoxo Andrea
Ok you have gotta be on something... It has to be all that Diet Pepsi you drank !! That is just over the top where did you get all those wonderful decorations???? And how long have you been collecting? Boy oh Boy you just busted the bank. Do you do all of that yourself? And when do you start decorating? When do you take it all down and put it all away, and where do you store it all? Hey girl I have more questions then answers. I hope Martha sees these photos you have to be featured somewhere!!!
OX, Diane
Wow Jessi, that is amazing!!!! Must take you months to set it all up . . . Just fabulous! Rachaelxo
wow can I come to your house for Christmas. I love the way you decorate. Thanks for sharing.love from Glenda
How do you do it ALL!?!?!?
Fantastic....LOVE all your Dept 56!!
What a HAPPY Holiday Home.
Wow, do you start in like JANUARY???? LOL, that is so totally off the hook decorating!
Thanks for the charming tour. You have a beautiful home. Just one more thing: where are all of the elves that helped you decorate? I'm sure you must have a whole team of them living somewhere nearby :)
Have lots of fun in Indiana!
WOW, I honestly don't think Ive ever seen so much Christmas decor in one house!! So Beautiful.. you certainly outdid yourself..Have fun on your trip.. Jamie
Man your house should be featured in a magazine! Your daughter must love that you put so much attention to decorating for the holidays. My husband would be in his glory if our basement looked like that too..hee,hee! Enjoy your trip!
Sandy Claus
Wooza! You must have been decorating night and day since you returned from Silver Bella! Everything is lovely! I especially love the "Sweet & Sugary Vintage" pictures! Have a great trip! Hugs, Heidi
Oh My Gosh! I'm lovin' it! What a wonderful tour...the best I have ever seen. I love all the groupings and beautiful things displayed together. You have done an amazing job decorating for Christmas and I for one loved the tour!!!!! Thanks so much!
You have such a gorgeous home. All your decorations are spectacular. There is so much to see, I am going to look through your pictures again! Twyla
WOWEEEE! You went all out girl! So Christmasy!!!
Like a winter wonderland!!!
Wow! How fabulous and cozy. How long does it take you to decorate?!
JES-----SSSS--IIIEEE !!!!!
WOW !! you made my day !!!!, How enchanting -- I love all you have done - and am so inspired --- to decorate -- and GIRL !! your ideas amazing -- gotta file for posterity --Your house is beautiful -- but not as beautiful as the sweet spirit that comes through your blog --Kathy -ga
Wow, Jessi!! How WONDERFUL! I could spend a week here just drooling over all your pictures! I love how you incorporate so many family photos into your little vignettes! And is that a Snowman Water Tower? How stinkin' cute is that?!?
Thanks soooo much for sharing your wonderland!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
STUNNING!! I love it all!! The vintage is just gorgeous!! I love your home, it is so pretty!!
I hope you have a wonderful, safe trip!
oh my goodness!! what a GORGEOUS holiday home sweet Jessi!! LOVE it all!! great decorating!! hugs!!! B :-)
Just gorgeous - all of it.
This looks like it would be in a real life Holiday Tour of Homes!
Only with this one I can gawk and slow down and look without anyone telling me to hurry because I am slowing up the line!
Thanks for this tour and all the detailed photos.
Hands DOWN THE most Fabulous Christmas display EVER! Really you should work for Macy's! Sending Season's Greetings!
Sandra Evertson
OMG!!!! I want everything!! Including the house!! hehehe! I love the glitterhouses and trees on the table behind the couch! Amazing!!!
Love your HOLIDAY HOME , that sugary sweet vintage is pure eye candy..wow!
Love it all Great job Jessi :)
This was so wonderful. I am moving in. My little boy hopped on my lap as I was looking at all the photos and he kept saying Wow, Wow, Wow...slow down I want to look at that. LOL. You have a formal invitation coming to you next year to help me decorate...I need the Rock Star herself. Kara
Holy Cow! I am totally out of words...and that's NOT like me! What a gorgeous display for the season!! LOVE it all!!!! :)mendy
Your holiday home is so pretty and warm and inviting!
Jessi, I love it all. Everything is so fantastic.
Happy Belated Birthday,
This is amazing!! I am so glad to found your blog!
You are welcomed to my blog…….
Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
oh my stars!!!!! I don't even know what to say! It's all so festive and fun and wonderful, Jessi. You are one serious Christmas decorator!!!
WOWZA! I'm glad to see someone have more "stuff" than I do. It's all so fantastic looking.
You have a lovely home! It is really DECKED OUT for Christmas! I don't think I've ever seen so many decorations in my life all in one place, including a STORE! You must have another house the same size in the back to store all your holiday goodies!
Yowza! That was a speactacular tour!
I've only seen that many displays in like FAO Schwartz! You take the cake with all the different themes and the basement is so cool too!
You have the biggest house I've ever seen and you make it look so comfy and holiday cozy and sparkling!
Love it!
Stunning! I am blow away!
I MUST know where in the world the beautiful frame in the photo with the JOY blocks came from! Im almost sure it's a one of a kind though... If not I gotta get one, I LOVE IT!!
HOLY CRAP! Are all these Christmas decorations in your house? I just cannot even imagine! Do you leave everything up year-round?
Love it all...Jessi!! Love the outside of your house as well!! O.k.... I think you need to plan a girly weekend getaway retreat...and we are all staying at your house!!!! I know you must have plenty of rooms in that house of yours!! (Wink)!!!
Have a Merry Christmas!!
smiles, Joy~
AMAZING... simply amazing!!
OMG!!! How long did it take you to put all that out. Better yet how long will it take you to put it all away? LOL It's amazing!!! I love your house!! Very pretty.
WOW! I cannot believe all of the beautiful trees, ornaments, sprakles and lights! Your house is brimming with festive things! Thanks for sharing!! Amy :)
Your home is stunning...it must take you days to decorate. I love the lodge look amd the sugar looks the best. You are an amazing woman, I am just overwhelmed. Fantastic job, so glad I stopped by. Kathleen
Jessi, it is all beautiful... ALL of it! And here I was, thinking I was all innovative with my pink-flocked Hello Kitty Christmas tree! (It's the first year I've put up more than one Christmas tree!) The one question that kept popping into my mind after scrolling through picture after picture was, "How long did it take this girl to do all this beautifying?" However long it took, it's worth it! You have a beautiful home and it's looks sooo festive!
Your home and decorations are absolutely incredible Jessi! Absolutely magnificent!!!! I love all the different themes! What fun fun fun and thank you so much for sharing all of this with us! Happy holidays to you and your family, dearest!
Jessi, your home is just gorgeous all dressed up for Christmas. I especially love the red and white tree in your kitchen. It's amazing. Thank you so much for the darling little white church ornament you made for Speckled Egg's swap. I just love it!
I bet your house is SO COZY at night time during the holidays. What a way to make your family feel the comforts of home at Christmas-time!
Thank you for my sweet little church ornament for HEather's ornament swap! I think it is just the sweetest little ornament with lots of meaning! Thank you! It was such a fun swap!
Vintage Lily
(Mouth Open...Gawking and drooling at all the lovely Christmas EVERYWHERE!!) It is beautiful and I love all the themes! I mean TOP NOTCH!!
But GoOdNeSs girl, where DO you store all that when Christmas is over?
SO Gorgeous!! Send those pics to magazine....I INSIST!! :)
P.S. Our holiday decorating has taken a funky twist...maybe you'll stop by and see? :)
Yeah...I also must say AMAZING!!!
lovely home and Christmas tree! :)
Xmas is only 10 days away.....
Merry Christmas ...girl
Oh Wow!! Oh Wow!! Just one of those amazing displays would render me speechless and you have sooo many gorgeous displays. I am envious, but really how long does it take you to pack it all away?? That would be the sad bit!!
Thanks for letting us visit for so long!!
Kiss Noises Linda Lilly Cottage.
Wow Jessi,
This is the most magnificent Christmas post that I have ever seen. Your home is gorgeous, and all those trees! Your Christmas is truly a pretty little Christmas.
Merry Christmas,
Wow! Wow! Wow! Jessi you have the most wonderful Christmas Displays, and I thought I had a lot of things..Everything is so spectacular... simply love everything.. Happy Belated Birthday, but it's your birthday all month..and Happy Holidays....
OH my gosh Jessi!!! SO many beautiful photos, it must have taken you WEEKS to put everything up!!
LOVE that you have the lodge/primitive/traditional/sweet Christmas themes!
SO fun to look through your photos... have a merry Christmas! xo Heather
One word: WOW!
It definitely looks like Christmas at your house:)
Wow Jessi! I love absolutely everything in your house!! Your decorating is amazing! Thank you for this wonderful glimpse into your world!!
Holy Moly!!! You are out of control girl...but I LOVE it!!!! First off I LOVE your banner at the top...cracks me up!!! Everything is beautiful!!! I crown you the Queen of All Things Christmas!!!
Your home is SUPER GORGEOUS!! My mouth was hanging open by the end of this post. WOW!! The red and white tree with the gingham ribbon is over the top amazing. Loved it all!
Merry Christmas!
This is amazing...
I feel like I am at the north pole..at Santa's very own house.
Have a very Merry Christmas,
W O W ! That looks great, it must take you days to set all that up?!
Thanks for sharing :)
I love this, but as a few ladies before me I want to know your secret. Is everything glued down on tables and in cupboards that you have moved in (and later on moved out) by profesional movers? How do you manage to look so pretty with this much work just done, please tell us your secrets! In the mean time have a wonderful time in Indiana. May your days be merry and bright!
OMG!!! How many rooms are there in your fabulous house. Each and every nook and cranny is decorated to the 9's.
Wow, I thought I was good, but NO ONE holds a candle to how many different decorating styles you display.
What an amazing feast for the eyes and absolutely gorgeous too.
Merry Christmas,
WOW, that is truly amazing! How long does it take you to put it all up?
still in shock at your beau-ti-ful decorations! i love the basement decorations!! :)
HC! you will for most amazing a prolific decorator! Wow! You have an incredible collection. I think I need at least an hour to go through it all! So Awesome! I love it!
Merry Christmas..... is your house the North Pole? Mr. Claus could move right in. It's beautiful thanks for sharing
OK, I am crying UNCLE! I give up, you win! I know it is not a contest but you win anyway! This is over the top fantastic!!!! You have been one really super busy gal and I love it all!!! Hats off to your Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas!
Holy cow...girl you should give tours!!! My jaw was just dropping as I looked at all of the photos of the amazing decor....A+++++!!!
I just love how you mix your primtives and sweet & sugary together in your home! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Your home is gorgeous-Gorgeous-GORGEOUS!! I love using different themes in each room too.
Okay, now I'm going back to drool over all your pictures again....
Merry Christmas!!
Wow, what amazing decorations! Everywhere you look a different display!
WOWWOWOWOW! Your home is like a shop. So many sweet perfect thingies. You did such an amazing job decorating.
Hi Jessi, WOW your home and all the Christmas decor is magnificent. What a gorgeous display in every inch of your incredible home. Oh I am inspired and taken back to my primitive painting and decorating days. I love this and so wonderful all your pic are. You need to be in a magazine for sure.
Love it, Merry Christmas and safe travels.
See you again soon.
hugs, Celestina Marie
Jessi- it looks like you have every little corner of the house decorated. :) You did an awesome job. Thanks for sharing with us. xoxo, Joanna
I love that you have so many different Christmas styles and every corner seems to be covered in festive cheer!!!
Hope your trip to Indiana is going well,
Victoria xxx
OMG Jessi your collection of houses is amazing!! I love them and have my own collection but it doesn't even come close to yours! Thanks for the visit and the tour of your beautiful home(;
Just amazing Jessi! I would not expect any less!! Merry Christmas!
W_W_W_WOOOOOWWW Love it love it.. love it alllll.
OHMIGOSH - you are a real-life wonder woman!!!!
Hands down, you have the most fabulous Christmas decor! Thanks for sharing. I'm in ah at all the splendor! Merry Christmas to you!
What a beautiful home you have, my dear. Love your antique hutch and all the primitive decorations and of course the girly stuff too. It's neat how you really have distinct looks in each room. Great job!! It should be in a magazine.
While I'm lifting my jaw off the ground, all I have to say is WOW!!! Can I be your shopping friend? Seriously the most fab house EVER!! Where did you get those aqua colored trees on your dining room table? I love them!!
I'm am just speechless!!! Wow!
You really go all the way with Christmas decorating!! Next year, bring you to my place for decorating!!
**By the way, if you ever have time I just put up my blog The Pink Door- not much up yet, but I'm getting there..I'm the daughter of Diane Mars aka Saturdayfinds! :)
Thank you sooo much for the tour! I love your decos! merry Christmas!
Ok....Im using my trucker sailor mouth right now...."HOLY S*&#^! You have EVERYONE beat with your holiday decor! I've NEVER seen so much holiday decorations in my life!!!! It's ALL UNBELIEVEABLY FABULOUS and FESTIVE out the WAZOO!!!!! I cant IMAGINE how long it must take you to unpack all your boxes from storage, and decorate the entire house head to toe. It takes me FOREVER and I dont have twice as much as you! Good Golly! It pays off girlfriend your home is AMAZING!!! Over the top just like YOU SISSY!!!! XOXOXO,Jenn
Holy cow girl where on earth do you keep everything stored? Holy schmolly it looks like Christmas exploded in your home. I bet it takes a month or so to decorate your place. Sheesh...have to call in all the elves. ;D Love it all!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Holy Retro Rudolphs!!!! You just start to decorate the day after Halloween! Just beautiful, a real treat for the eyes!WOW!
Holy night! You're on Christmas over-load! Looks like a Christmas decorator shoppe. Christmas must be your favorite holiday - I'm guessing!
I think your husband deserves a gold crown. He must be a saint.
Merry Christmas!
SPECTACULAR!!! (no other words can convey that!)
hugz and holiday blessings!
Tell me you've been in a decorating magazine! You should be-so fabulous! I enjoyed every photo!! I like that you have so many framed photos of your family around. I'm glad you have such a big 'stage' to decorate. Mine is a wee stage, but I do my best.
Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas and Happy 2009!
Holy-I-can't-believe-your-holiday-home! I think I'll move in next year just for the holidays!
Your home is insaaaaaane!!!!! Your family must be so proud of you :) I loove looove looooove it ALL!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
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