coach perfume!

How adorable is this???

My dad sent me
some MAD money!
some MAD money!
(yeah, the best kind)
I went and
bought 2 new silver
villages from Jeanne
Marie. One of my
Marie. One of my
favorite stores!

I love then under this
tree, everything silver and white!

love them!

2 super cute & warm
so adorable! 

tonight im going to
this is what it is

My BFF Tiffany
sent me a coach silver
bangle and a archivers
gift card!
my birth mom also sent me a
archivers gift card!
My birth father sent
me the sweetest teddybear!
Thanks guys!

My Mother-in -law
sent me a gift card to Michaels! Thanks so much!
tonight im going to
with my good friend
I bought a cute kit
from Charlotte Lyons.
"Westmorland Drive"

supposed to look like.

Wish me luck!
I hope i can do this
without Carlotte there!
I also bought this
super cute Kitchy Christmas

Have a few projects i need
all this for.
Totally adorable!
from A.bel Emporium
I also wanted to share this
little collage my "new friend"
made! she used my glittered
house in the background.

so sweet!
she sent it ot her friend
that lives in warm weather!
Thanks to everyone!
Have a great weekend!
Im waiting on a few more
goodies in the mail. I hope to
have some by Monday!
Great gifts Jessi. And I love your new haircut. Makes you look even younger than you already did!
Wow you really got some terrific your Nick and Nora jammies! Have an amazing weekend!
Such awesome gifts! Some great gift givers in your family - can I borrow them? LOL. LOVE the new haircut! You look fabulous - wish I could do that with my hair!
Wow! Wonderful gifts. You are so blessed. Hope you're having a good birthday week.
Happy Birthday, Christmas baby! Your family sure did make it special. Love the "new" you. A new do is just the thing to put a spring in your step.
What lovely gifts and the silver house are beautiful. No one can ever have too much mad money I say! Have fun at Archivers, some night we should go too...haven't been there since before the project started. Is that Dani Epp? If so, say hello, if not have a great time and post your finished projects please! XOX
Hi Jessi,
I bought my "EAT" letters paper at Archiever's, I love the Daisy D's paper. My very favorite.
You did great on gifts and love your pj's, nothing is better than comfy pj's. :) Bren
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Jessi- What great gifts, your husband could give mine a lesson. Love him to death, but he is not a gift giver. He is usually works nights in Feb. So my valentine gift is usually from the fine Boutique of Walgreens. He and his fellow police officers are in there at 2am finding a gift:)))
Hi Jessi! Congratulations - you're the winner of my giveaway! Let me know what color(s) you want for your earrings! :)
Holy cow, Jessi!!! What great gifts! It looks like your birthday was extra special. You deserve it my dear! Those jammies look especially inviting...
Love the new do!
Give sweet Schylar a sloppy kiss for me!
xoxoxo Jill
Wow, love the purse and other fun stuff. how did you get to open all your presents already? Lucky you.
WOW!!! Look at all the loot! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! It sure looks like you had fun!!!
P.S. Your new 'do is super cute!!!!
WOW WEE!!! you sure made out!!! what wonderful goodies!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the silver houses!!! a.bel emporium is one of my etsy favorites, she has the cutest things!!!
happy birthday to you - chachacha
those jammies are so fab and cozy, I love them
your new "do" is so fun and sassy!
lucky lady
have a great week!
you did get some great gifts, birthday girl! My Dad sends me mad money for my birthday too. It is a joke because after I told my husband perhaps one too many times : "I bought it with my birthday money: he replied " Just how much money did your Dad send you?" :)
Wow Jessi, what a wonderful lot of gifts you got.
ummm... can you say green with envy?? I'm so jealous! Look at all that cool loot! WOW! :) I was scrolling down thinking... "and a partridge in a pear tree!" You can almost make a song about it... "and a bottle of coach per-fume". Okay, that was cheesy... Thanks for the super fun blog, eye candy and great gift ideas :)
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