
Cheescake Factory was a blast!
with Hunters b-day on it!
secretly liked them singing
Happy Birthday DOLLY!
today is Dolly's B~Day!
sent her a surprize package in the mail!
Cherries galore!

Happy B~Day girl!
Hope you have a great day!
Nest SWAP!
my partner is Lonnie.
look at all this sweetness!

could you just die? all that sweetness! Im overjoyed!!!
Thanks Lonnie!
RHEA! one word: YUMMY!

Real Eggs!
blown out and sugared so sweet.
they are so delicate!
i adore them!

from across the pond!

She's such a doll!
i ordered 2 keychains & paper!
She sent me a few extra
"get well" gifts!
im so lucky to own one of these cupcakes!
i LOVE it!
Thanks Girl!
Made a TAG for ME!
( i hardly ever do that? why?)

New order!
i ordered Jenny & Aarons
new kit! so sweet!

I love there work!

Tune in to Friday's Martha
show! They are having the owner
of ETSY, and some of the top
sellers on!
Last but not least!!!!!!!
Wow Jessi...I love it all!
The sugared eggs are fantastic, love your tags, and the nests and ...
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!
Hi Jessi ,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Wow so many great pictures! I can't wait for your give away. I will check back Friday.
Thanks for visiting me today Jessi. You have 2 good looking children. Everyone looked like they were having a great time at the Cheesecake Factory. Why am I hungry now for cheesecake?
As always I was drooling over your goodies. I especially love the eggs. So sweet!
Thanks for the heads up on Martha's guest on Friday. I will definitely be tuning in to see the success stories!
Have a great one! Amy
Your son is adorable!! Can you believe he is 14?!?! My sweet boy is only 5, and I can't imagine him a 14!!! Looks like you all had a fun time (LOVE the Cheesecake Factory!!)!!!
Love that darling cupcake sign, and those glittery eggs!! Your Easter display is coming along so beautifully!!
Have a terrific day!!!
Lisa :o)
Fun goodies! I had heard about Martha - gotta set my Tivo!
Your son looks like such a great guy. So many boys that age look sullen and depressed, and there's your boy with a big smile on his face :)
Thanks for sharing all your pretties with us!
Great stuff Jessi! I love the Cheesecake Factory! I could go for it right now! Yum! Happy B-Day Hunter!
xo natalea
Jessi, your son is such a cutie! We love the Cheesecake Factory too...we did some major happy dances when one finally opened at our local mall...although the three hour wait is killer! love your tags and I can't believe those eggs arrived in one piece. she must have bubbled wrapped them to the extreme! Lucky girl!
Fabulousness!! And what a great birthday! Yum Cheesecake! Love your Peeps baby!! What awesome goodies!
Looks like everyone had a great time for Hunters birthday! Who wouldn't at Cheesecake factory!
I've ordered Jenny & Aarons kit too, can't wait for it to arrive and have a go myself!
Jessi, your son is so cute:) i hope he had a wonderful birthday!!!
LOVING all of your goodies...that bird in the nest is adorable!!! the eggs from Rhea are so so so gorgeous, love them to pieces!!! and the kit from jenny's bake shop is SWEET!!!
Lovely swap gifts you receieved, Jessi! Love the tag you made for yourself. Funny, I was just thinking about how I made things and send them off, then I have nothing here of my own creations! Let's start making more things to keep, or make two of everything we make! LOL
Great news about Martha doing a show on Etsy! I better put more signs in my shop!
Happy Birthday to Hunter! And a trip to the Cheesecake Factory? Wish we had one near here...I'd go there for MY birthday! But I'm lucky, my daughter Melissa will make a meal for me!
I have the same Easter 4X4 from Jenny and Aaron! I love it...I'd better go find it and put it out...
Thanks for the heads up on the Martha Show. THat will be interesting to watch. Oh yum Cheesecake Factory. That salad looked so good. Love the Eggs!!
Oh wow I'm swooning over all that easter yummyness! I REALLY loved the birds, nest,and bird house. Too sweet!
Looks like the party went well at the Cheesecake Factory. I've only been once and I do wish they had one in Canada.
Great eye candy...beautiful goodies.
Hey girlie!
wow-O! You are getting rained on by wonderful presents! I have been wanting to try blowing out eggs I remember doing it when I was young. I will have to give that a try soon! I love that cupcake painting! super duper cute! my hubbys birthday was yesterday dont you love getting to go out and celebrate someone else getting older! haha A giveaway.. hmm wonder what ya got up your crafty sleeve!? well thanks for visiting me today! I just did a blog make over go check it out let me know what ya think?!
You're a busy lady...lots going on!
Your blog is the only one I can read without my glasses. Love the big type!!!
I am just blown away with all the goodies. Happy Birthday to you son.....Smiles...Mary
Fabulous fabulous fabulous pictures! And fabulous family pictures at the Cheesecake Factory. I'll be back Friday to see your giveaway!
What?! Etsy on Martha! This is why I love you! You always tell us what the good happenings are in the crafty world. Never fails when I end up here, I'm off to blog land for real! Thank you!!!
Wow Jessi love the birds nest and the real eggs Rhea made!!! Glad you liked your goodies!
oh and your son and whole family are all so cute and so happy looking!
Hi Jessi! I just had to stop by and leave you a comment telling you how much I love visiting your blog! You always have so much fun and it shows in your writing! I love that!!
Jessi- Looks like a fun birthday.
Cute stuff going on at your place!
I just love your blog! It totally picks up my day when I need a break!
I love the style, the large font size & all the pics you post.
It is like we are there with you!
Can't wait for the Friday fun!
Hi Jessi ~
Happy Birthday to Hunter!! I Love the Cheesecake Factory ~ you're so lucky to have one close to you.
Your Easter Explosion is TDF!! You have so many adorable bunnies!! Can't wait to see what you have this Friday.
Thanks for the tip about Martha on Friday ~ I'll be watching!
Your Blog is the place to go for all kinds of valuable information! :) I want to see if I can make one of those bird banners. Thanks for giving the link over to Etsy!
Have a Fabulous weekend ~
So many wonderful pictures! I have to say the picture of the cheesecake makes me want to go to the cheesecake factory.
Kerri N
Hi, I was tempted to order Jenny's kit too. Glad you got it. Come for a visit.
YUMMMYYY! Love the Cheescake factory! I gain 5lbs just walking into the restaurant. LOL!!! Happy Birthday to your sweet Hunter! My stepson is about to turn 14 years in 2 weeks. :)
Love all your goodies. Dolly's cherry apron is just so fun and sweet. What a great b-day gift!
I will so have to check out Etsy on Friday! Fabulous exposure!
Have a wonderful weekend!!! XOXO
all i can say is YUM!!!!!!!!!! WOWSERS...
BIG HUGZ and happy belated birthday HUNTER!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY handsome Hunter! You look like you could be his sister Jessi LOL! Such pretty goodies in your blog post~I'm drooling! Cheescake factory one of my favorites (someone told me that there are 1500 calories in one piece of their cheesecake AGHHHH!)You have a beautiful family~xo chris
Hunter is SO handsome.. you have a BEEautiFULL Family (and yes I meant to spell it that way):))!!!! How wonderful that he likes his salads and still likes interesting toys!!!! So happy that his night was special for all of you!!! Good also to see you recovering so WELL!!!
Happy Friday!!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Hunter....
Wow.... legos and the cheesecake factory....what more could a guy ask for!
Looks like your birthday was FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes and all the cherry sweet presents Miss Jessi! You are awesome!
Luvs ya,
a very BIG (belated) b-day wish to hunter! my hunter will be (gulp) 21 in april! have a fabulous year ahead! xo
OMGosh girl! I haven't been reading my blogs lately, and WOWZERS! You are back with a vengeance, lol! My head is spinning trying to catch up on all you're doing! OK, so breaking it down to the badics: love all the goodies you've been giving/receiving, happy b-day to your "baby boy", he's a total cutie, love the hat you're wearing in this post (I think I have the same one, or pretty close...wearing mine in my v-day post) and you look FABULOUS!!!! Hope you're feeling as good as you look girl!!! Take care!
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