Today is my sweet hubby's
We celebrated all day Monday!
Mens days out!
"the difference between MEN
and boys is the size of their toys"
We celebrated all day Monday!
Mens days out!
"the difference between MEN
and boys is the size of their toys"

Chris's NEW truck!
Happy Birthday Baby!
it's a Ford King Ranch
~blah blah blah~
Lost me after Ford.
it's a Ford King Ranch
~blah blah blah~
Lost me after Ford.
girls you understand!!!


Takin the new ride!

This was stop one.


Takin the new ride!

This was stop one.
im so lucky!

Stop 2
another hardware store!
some very serious shopping!

ya, i think i'll pass.

ya, i think i'll pass.
it's not my color!

this has to be the
this has to be the
boys, guys restraunt.

motorcycles, beers from around
the world, motor oil.
tons of antique car memrobilla.
What else could a guy want?
The only thing that was missing
was bikini clad waitresses,
was bikini clad waitresses,
and a stripper pole!
Next stop
The fishing motherload!

ok enough is enough!
by this point in the day
i needed something pink!
Look what i found!

Vintage metal dollhouse!
i was drooling!
i asked the girls in
the props department if i could
buy it.
boo hoo!
Next stop the
OMAHA Steaks store!
God forbid we don't go home
without some manly steaks !
we filled all the freezers!

Last but not least
By this time, it was time
to pick up Hunter from
Made dinner & watched
a movie!
Husband, all smiles
says "This has been the best day!"
Me, totally pooped out! but worth every moment!
Tune in Friday:
Easter has arrived at scrappy jessi's house.
gifts from sea dream studio
and whatever else comes my way!
Boy oh boy did you spoil your man or what!!!
That would be my hubbys favorite birthday day too!
Menards, and Harbor freight are his favorite hangouts!!!!
And a cool truck to boot! Ouuu hoooo!
I am not showing hubby because he will be wanting to marry you! LOL
Have fun,
Girl, only a real woman could have survived all the testosterone!! Looks like you had a fun day with Hubby!! And, whew - glad you finally found some pink (although some of that meat sounds mighty tasty!)!!!! :o)
Wow that would be just too much man stuff for me. I think my eye's would have glazed over after the first two stops. But looks like your hubby was having a great birthday and that's all the the vintage doll house too. Just wanted to delurk and tell you I just love your blog and you are so creative.
hahahah WOW THAT IS A REALLY MANLY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!! happy happy birthday to your chris!!! i have that other kind of man that swoons going into best buy and game stores... it'd be nice if he was a menards kinda man as we have a few holes in the house and a broken doorknob and walls in need of paint.... HAHA... and such a nice truck!!! gosh!!!
well i cant wait to see what he gets you for YOUR birthday :D hehe
goodness what a "manly" have set the bar real NOT SHOWING MY HUBBY...) LOL...thanks for stopping by my blog! the little nests were soo much fun to make! I got a pink rose birdie all stitched up to take along to dance class while i wait for miss maddysen to work on...for the second nest!
Youir so funny girl, I was cracking up about the missing bikini clad waitresses and stripper pole.
I miss doing those MAN things believe it or not , after a year of not having him around....
Looks like a grerat day , Happy Birthday Chris!
What a sweetie you are for spending a whole day doing guy stuff! Actually, you made it look kinda fun! ;-)
What a great day you had with hubby. It does look like a very manly day, indeed. I was glad to see that you found some girly things along the way.:) Amy
He is one lucky guy to spend his special day like that.
Looks like a great day and you was even able to find some pink in the man's world!
that was so funny, I bet he had a great day - well done you for getting through it - shame you couldn't get that gorgeous doll's house! Glad I found your blog :) Catherine x
You're a trooper Jessi! I don't think I could have done it...I had a hard time making it through the Pearl Harbor tour!
Happy B-day to the luckiest man alive (now you tell him I said that!!)
xo natalea
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You gave him the most special day. He will remember this forever. Have a great night...Mary
aww! happy bday to your hubby!! Sounds like he had a great day!!!
xo britt
Happy Birthday to your husband, sure does look like he had a good one!
Wow, my husband would be in heaven too. He has always wanted to go to the Bass Pro Shop....Was he spoiled or what? Looks like a wonderful day!
Pinkie Denise
Hi Jessie, You are the world's best wife!!!! Happy belated birthday to your hubby! At least there was a little pink in your day! Have a great week!
lucky duck of a man!
ALL the pink you found... cracked me up!
you make me smile... BIG!
what a lucky guy! i'm cracking up because i think we may have married brothers! oh boy, you are such a good sport! ;)
You crack me up! I loved spending the day with y'all!! hehe! Looks like you made all the stops! LOVED that funky pink pistol...:)mendy
Oh yeah..I'm familiar with the Outdoor Store! My husband lives there. My daughters own the Barbie tackle box and rod an use it at the cottage. Your husband is a lucky guy to have to have you spend the day with him doing everything he likes!Happy birthday to him!
Catching up on Blogs with tea in hand! I am sooo behind. Of course, I went to you first and I am already laughing. Love this post -- what a lucky guy! Off to read what else I missed -- busy girl!
Hugs, Kim
Wow, looks like he had a great birthday !!
Have a good day,
Jessi! That would have been the perfect day...for my husband, too! I started laughing when I saw the pink pistol and then really laughed when I saw the pink worms! You're too funny!
Sounds like a great day for your hubby! I can't wait to see what inspiring Easter things you will decorate with! As always just fab!
Hey Jessi what GUY fun you had! You're so good to do that!
I showed my hubby your blog today, happened to have it open and he was home - and he thinks you're gorgeous, lol! He couldn't believe you have a teenage daughter!
Hi Jessi, what a great manly birthday you had with your hubby!!! looks like every man's dream day:) i am cracking up that you managed to find some Barbie stuff...LOL!!! and lots of pink!!! too funny and you are just as cute as ever!!!
Thanks for stoping by. What a special lady you must be. I hope he is proud.
About the organizing.. yes I have drove myself nuts for years. After having three kids grow up I had to learn to chill some.When the grandbabies came along I didn't even wont stuff on my floor.
I think the kids decided when they got out of here they would be pigs lol. Maybe what they learned will come back to them.
You are so hilarious. Looks like your hubby had a great day.
Oh Jessi you had me laughing out loud! I love your hunt for pink in the Bass Pro Shop!
You are such a riot! Your posts crack me up. The cupcake was just a teaser.....there's more coming!!
P.S. It was heavenly delicious!
Have a sugar filled day! Anita @ PFF
this is toooo funny! what a lucky lucky man. looking forward to meeting you too!
Hi Jessie,
Wow! That is the perfect sort of guy day!
Many happy returns to your husband and best wishes to you both!
Oh my! My hubby would have thought he'd died and gone to heaven! You did see some cute pink stuff though and the wings looked yummy. As for trucks..I drive my hubby's truck all the time. I like it better than my car. LOL
Oh my, you are a SAINT to put up with that day! I don't think I could've handled it.
Thanks for the laugh!
Happy day,
lovely blog. followed the yellow brick road here by way of twodogpond. vintage doll house, yummy to my memory.
Wow what a grand day you served up for your husband. He must have been in birthday heaven after all those manly stops you made. My DH likes to spend time in hardware stores too....I just don't see the attraction, but then he probably doesn't understand the antique craft stores either!
Great post!
Sandra Evertson
wow...oh wow! Your husband is one lucky fellow! :) You're such a sweet wife!
Anyway, those chips looked tasty. YUM!
Oh man, what a brave, sweet wife you are! Bass Pro Shop alone, usuallly does me in! LOL. Too much testosterone in there....I usually have to go to Michael's.
That was most DEF a "guy day"!!! I'm sure he was pleased that you gave him "guy" time!!! Nice looking truck and I hope he's had a really good birthday (this by the way, should last him the entire year!!) LOL!!
Hi Jessi! oh mny gosh what a day! My hubby would have LOVED all that, what a great day you had for him!! Happy birthday to your hubby! No wonder you need some pink now, and how gorgeous was that vintage dolls house ?!!! Thanks for your loely comments on our blog Miss Jessi! We will miss you but we promise to visit :) Jenn and Jacqui xoxox
Hi Jessi,
Good on ya! (sorry a bit of Aussie slang there), what a brave girl you are a real trouper. I must admit though I actually spend more time at the hardware store than my husband and the place where you had lunch I would of been ga ga over the cars just as much as the boys. Anyway better get back to my craft I'm in the middle of putting pink glitter on everything.
Cheers Linda
Ahhh, what a sweet wife you are :) Looks like he had a great day. Love the pinks you found in they "boy" store hehe :)
What a fun fun birthday. Your hubby looks like he's on cloud 9 with his new manly truck! You look too cute just going along for the birthday ride! Lunch time is definitely a testosterone filled place. hee! hee! Your hubby and mine would sooo get along. We have a Pro Bass near our home and hubby is there at least 3-4x a month! That's GREAT that you scouted out the pink girlie stuff. Im anxious to see your next post. Let me guess. YOU'VE already decoreated for Easter??? Im right arent I? :) Ok, I know it's going to be over the top. You are going to force me to decorate also. hee! hee! Ok enough rambling. I have something very very special on it's way to you in about a day or so. Be on the lookout!
Jessi, what a great wife you are!! Your husband truly had the perfect guy day. You go girl!
I'm cracking up....except for the fishing you are married to my husband!! So funny....They just LOVE their trucks!
That was a fantastic day for you hubby. Loved all the neat pink things you found and the dollhouse. I really wish my mom had kept mine. It was my favourite toy when I was little. thank you for stopping over at my blog.
wow! What a wonderful day he had! I love it! I used to be married to a fisherman guy who loved those kinds of stores and stuff! Fred is computer guy so his great day would be one computer shop after the next! teehee!ack! The Pink cowgirl pistol- now that is worth it all! Totally Sweet! I can't wait to see your Easter stuff! I am getting mine out as soon as I get home! xxxooo calamity!
I kept clicking on the stripper pole- I thought it was a link...
Sounds like a fun day! Although I don't comment often, I check your blog regularly and you are just so fun and talented!!
You planned such a wonderful day for your man!
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