Ta Da!!!!

well ladies the week is half way over.
i can't believe our schools are starting soon.
Yikes, i need to get supplies.
O well, on to more important things, like crafts.
tee hee.
Today is going to be just a big ol modge podge of stuff. little sneak peaks etc...

Sneak peek for someone special.
Can't tell yet!
Miss Kate!!!!

How stinken cute is this little mama!!
love her.
When we cleaned out my daughters room, we found old pokemon cards.
well.... miss kate is totally into them.
so off they went to her house.
and in typical scrappy jessi style, i added a few little goodies.

Not Mom !

Who just happens to be the fabulous Kim Caldwell.
How super cute is she?
Her and her daughter are like twins.
So cute.

Vintage Halloween Banner.
Made this for artistic affaire 2.
we don't know who our buddies are?
it's a suprise swap.
Well my loves, i will leave you these few words of wisdom.

Cute lamp! Kate sure looks happy with her goodies.
Jessi-So glad you left a comment so I could come see your blog!!! Love it...spent way too much time giving it a read and enjoyed it all!
I love Audrey in her Halloween get up on that banner!!!
Victoria x
Love the Sign for your swap and yes Kate is the Spitting Image of her mommy. The chandelier for Taylors room is Gorgeous, Wow.. Have a great Hump Day. Jamie
Very cool posts, and I love your art. The look of your blog is lots of fun! :)
You're such a doll and GORGEOUS to boot! Love ya girl! AND, yes it continues to be a Pokemon fest around here!!
Hugs, Kim
Miss Kate is adorable:) she looks really happy with her goodies!
love the lamp you got for Taylor's room, so sweet!!!
your banner ROCKS!!!
Oh Jessi!
That package for the super adorable Miss Kate is so much fun! The love you lavish on those around you can't be topped! You're super special, my friend!
I love the lamp! That mail just can't come any faster can it! Your so sweet~ I read about it all on kims blog ,she does have the cutest smile and I can see you made her day!
I love your halloween banner! So cute!!!!
Can't wait to see who wins your album tomarrow!
Happy hump day!
I love your Halloween Banner!!! Sooo stinking cute!!! Love the Audrey Hepburn bit. ;) Your words of wisdom rings TRUE!!! Amen sister!!!
Loving Barbie doll in the sand... that is the perfect image of SUMMER! Where has it gone?
Of all things I love the most, sending goodie packages to the kiddies in my life gives me the most pleasure of all... I'm always on the lookout for good "junk" to send off to the nieces and nephews and children of dear friends!
Hi Jessi... Your blog-home is simply beautiful... whimsical... just alot of FUN! I have been a "lurker" here for some time, now, and just felt that I should stop long enough to say hello and introduce myself... ~smile~
I'd love to be able to add you to my favorites list... and, please stop by my lil blog-home sometime for a visit... I enjoy company and meeting + making new friends!
Cute stuff, Jessi! But I have the say the cutest thing about this post is Kate :)
What fun...you look really pretty in that pic w/ Kim too.
Your swap sign is awesome.
Hey Doll!!
LOVE the Halloween Banner!! You are so "Kreativ" ~ I just had to nominate you for an Award!!
I called you vivacious ~ guess I'd better look it up in the Dictionary. I meant it as a compliment ~ but maybe I'd better think of a better word....
Well, hop by my Blog and pick up your Award ~
Bunny Blessings and Fairy Wishes ~
The Bunny Fairy ~
Hi Jessi,
What fun! Sweet Kate is adorable.
I am having a giveaway, I hope you can stop by if you have a moment.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
yes, You MUST have glitter in your veins. lol !! :) Cute chandelier !! Love that. :)
OOH that Halloween banner really gets me in the mood for fall! But it's over 100 degrees here...UGH!
I love what you are doing with your daughter's room! Cute chandelier! :)mendy
What a sweet lamp!!!!
All your Barbie blog banners are so hilarious!
M ^..^
looks like you've been super busy! with lots of fun things to! :)
... and the ones that aren't born with it in their veins can at least sprinkle it through their hair! (phew)
love that Halloween banner - spooktacular!
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