i want to finsh up 2007
before my surgery.
it till the 29th. But i will
be a little busy

I really love the way it turned out!
what a fun project.
i allready have it hanging
in my craft room!
Im in so many swaps!
This time of year!!! (ok always!)
Some of my hostesses
have received their goodies from me!
Beth & Karla!
"Sweet Treats & Roses Swap"

Just a few "rose" goodies
for the lovely ladies.
they are going to allot of hard
work, putting these recipies books
together. I can't wait to see
the finished project.
So Exciting!
42 fellow bloggers
paticapted. such talent.
i will treasure this book always!

These gifties are for
"Secret admirer Valentines swap!"
This one was super
I got such a great Valentine!
I think she knows who i am???
O well, good for her!

From my Cherry Heart!
She's hosting the
"Vintage Heart Swap"
I have a new swap buddy.
she's really cool. i hope she likes
everything i bought and made
for her.
i will post as soon as she tells
me she has received my box.
just got her box too!
She is the host of the
Vintage Valentines Tag Book Swap!
Well my friends
that's it for Monday!
Im off to finish some
more projects! Do some
laundy, dishes, floors etc....
"i'd rather be crafting!"
said Jessi!
My you've been busy! Looks like lots of fun, love that collage you made with your wedding stuff!
What a wonderful combination of old and "new" in the collage challenge. It turned out just beautiful!!
Good morning! I'm so excited about Karla's swap never having done this kind of thing before...how nice to get something in the mail just for you!
And you know how I feel about the wedding pic, you did a lovely job!
Your blog is wonderful!
:0) Tara
Visiting your blog totally makes me want to get more into paper! Love that gorgeous piece you made with some of your wedding stuff! That is super inspiring to me!
Wow jessi you have been soo... busy.
Love the collage.
You have been one busy gal!
I just love the wedding collage. It turned out so great. I always enjoy adding items to my collages, so your use of your veil and earrings really struck a cord with me. Your swap buddies will be very lucky indeed. Your items are just lovely! Amy
Jessi! Such fun things! Love the collage and all the fun goodies you sent out! They'll be thrilled!
Best of luck with your surgery! Let the crafting time get you through the recovery! xo natalea
Wow, Jessi, so many wonderful things. I certainly wish you well on your upcoming surgery and hope your "to do" list is accomplished in time.
I'm so glad that you reset your blog to load faster! Now I can come visit you LOTS!!
I love your blog, your decorating style, & your ability to get sooo much adorable stuff done in a day!
Looking forward to getting to know you better ~ stop by my blog anytime!
Angelic Accents
Hi Jess!
Wow, when I miss a day on your blog, I miss A LOT of stuff...you are a speed demon with getting things done, and they always look so amazing...seriously, how do you do it? :) Love all your projects and swaps, and your hostess gifts are over-the-top...so thoughtful and generous! xo suzanne duda
The collage is to die for Jessi - so gorgeous!
Do you ever sleep? I can't believe how many crafting projects you've gotten done in Jan and all that shopping and wrapping and mailing- and you do laundry and clean, too?
You're an inspiration!
I love your wedding collage Jessi! Beautiful work :) Ok, now I want to see your wedding photos from 17 years ago....please?? I'm such a sucker for romance :) Have a beautiful week!
I'm with Beth...Do you ever sleep? LOL I think you are just more efficent than many of us! All you gifts and swap items are wonderful! And your collage is very sentimental! Lovely!
Wow what a lot of swaps you are doing, mind you I am up to my eyes in hearts at the mo LOL.
I love the wedding pics and all the yummy goodies you have received and sent out too.
Don't worry I don't know many people that do like marmite :)
best wishes Ginny
(in England)
Hi Jessi, my oh my have you been a busy girl!! You are a little dynamo :) Gorgeous collage, love everything! Beautiful now get some REST!! Jenn and Jacqui
Love all the goodies you are making. I want ot encourage you about your surgery. I am 10 weeks post surgery and my hysterectomy is already the best decision I have ever made for myself.
My recovery was almost effortless. The Surgery was November 14th and I was back at work light duty on Nov 26th. I blogged openly about it at my place.
Best wishes for a quick recovery.
All of the projects look Terrific!
Sandra Evertson
Wow Busy girl! Love the wedding photo. It's beautiful and very cool that you used actual stuff from your wedding!
Hi Jess! Oh gosh, what FUN swap stuff to play with, if we could only reach in a grab a few goodies!! ;)
I love the wedding picture, just Lovely!!!!!
If your not wonder woman then she must be alot like you. Wow where do you find the time or even get the energy. I love reading your blog it is so happy and upbeat and your work is just beautiful. Could you please sprinkle a little bit of your boundless energy my way.
Cheers Linda
wow, what pretty gifties, thanks so much!!!!
Take care and rest up for surgery! Let us know how you are doing when you feel good enough to get to the computer.
hello there! sorry to hear about your surgery...i would like to send you a little something to cheer you up...please email me with your snail mail addy!
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